is a matter of putting pen to paper and allowing yourself to write whatever wants to be written! Just express your uninhibited feelings-all parts welcome, no word judged wrong or inappropiate.

25 February 2006

Living in Joensuu

Have you heard Joensuu before? If no I somehow can say yes, before I came here it was a sort of mystery to me, I m going alone somewhere I have never known before, it was a kind of an adventure for me but I was not shocked to go for it.

Literally Joensuu means mouth of the river, located on the eastern part of Finland. The cold and quiet city create the peaceful feeling for anyone who visit it.
Joensuu is a city dotted with lakes, the fact that flourish its beauty, its well organised and easy to adapt to since the people are polite and helpful. Although sometimes Fins can be so quiet and passive, but once you know them personally, she or he will be your very truth friend.

Believe it or not in Joensuu or let say in Finland the climate stands as the most influential element in the Finnish social life. In the long winter period it is dark and cold people tend to look unhappy in addition that the heavy clothes everyone wears makes the scene look sad, in summer time it is amazingly different people and nature seems to revive again, what a paradox!

I may say Joensuu is home for any student who’s looking for credible study place, good friends, cheap internet services and lots of sauna. SO why don’t you find the beauty, spirit and culture with your own eyes your self in Joensuu at any season you like! Heihei…

1 comment:

Imam Fathurachman said...

Assalamu'alaikum, How are you guys? Long-long time never been contacted. It's very supprised whether you are already said a "hello" to my blog. Eh giman di Findland akh? Cerita-cerita dunk... Wass.