is a matter of putting pen to paper and allowing yourself to write whatever wants to be written! Just express your uninhibited feelings-all parts welcome, no word judged wrong or inappropiate.
29 July 2006
Xylitol - Birch Sugar
Xylitol is natural sugar derived from plants-fruits or vegetables. In Finland mostly it is extracted from birch trees, hence its called birch sugar. Thin invention by Finnish chemists enables children to consume candies as much as they like, which teeth still intact.
The most up to date research has shown that regular chewing of xylitol gum reduces by half among children´s painful ear infections at day carecenters. Ear infections, transmitted from a child to another, are a serious problem at Finnish day carecenters, a necessary institution for working woman having their equal opportunities.
At day carecenters children learn to sing, play and go out under the supervision of trained nursery school teachers. It also helps single born child to interrelate and social interact with others.
27 July 2006
BMT is a service business
Micro syariah Baitulmal wattamwil (BMT) has sustained with remarkably high growth. Total asset has grown 30 percent up into Rp 2 billion since last June this year. BMT is expected to be the back bone of small and micro economic society. Syariah micro financial organization (SMFO) is financial institution targetting low economic clients who have no accessibility with Bank (the un bankable). And from the last record on June, BMT has reached total number of 3200 from 3000 since December last year.
This positive growth need to be followed up by synergizing, supporting, strengthening and cooperating between BMT into a solid networking organization. As well transforming BMT into service business by every stakeholder from investor, worker and manager and also improving the value of Quality, Cost and Delivery or known as QCD for customer.
This positive growth need to be followed up by synergizing, supporting, strengthening and cooperating between BMT into a solid networking organization. As well transforming BMT into service business by every stakeholder from investor, worker and manager and also improving the value of Quality, Cost and Delivery or known as QCD for customer.
21 July 2006
Complex messy syndrome
Now we more n more need for speed! yes including you! usually we have,honestly my self,that I called complex messy syndrome:D on our working table, that can waste 30% of your highly limited time only for searching miss placed documents. usually this syndrome is because our bad decision making on the spot, then we need to come with highly decisive solution!this methode so called TRAF.
TRAF means Trash/Toss, Reffer, Action and File. What you need is to trash your 6 month or more unread books(can be anything)and toss junks like magazine aswell other adverts , Reffer undone job to sm one with competence, Action do it as you receive any daily news paper or mag, and Filling. The last thing is very important to arrange all your documents in easy and neat way.
So good luck and enjoy getting ahead and staying ahead.
TRAF means Trash/Toss, Reffer, Action and File. What you need is to trash your 6 month or more unread books(can be anything)and toss junks like magazine aswell other adverts , Reffer undone job to sm one with competence, Action do it as you receive any daily news paper or mag, and Filling. The last thing is very important to arrange all your documents in easy and neat way.
So good luck and enjoy getting ahead and staying ahead.